Useful Information


Santorini:      Useful Phone Numbers

Port Authority: 22860 22239
Airport: 22860 31525
Police Station: 22860 22649
Health Center / Hospital: 22860 23123 / 4 /5
Telecom. Center:  22860 22399
Post Office: 22860 22238
Bus Station: 22860 23812
Taxis: 22860 22555



Phone numbers, when calling from abroad are:

0030 22860 xxxxx  (where xxxxx is the local number)

While, when calling from Anywhere in Greece or Santorini:

22860 xxxxx  (where xxxxx is the local number)


Opening hours for most shops and offices are morning till early afternoon (1-2pm) and then they usually open again later in the afternoon around 6pm or so.

Tickets for the buses you can buy them on the bus itself.

You can make phonecalls either from the Telecom Center (also known as OTE) or you can buy a phonecard from a Kiosk and use it on a cardphone. You also may call from Kiosks that provide a phone service.

Water in Santorini is generally not good to drink. Do prefer bottled spring water which is available at supermarkets, shops and restaurants.



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